Featured Listings

4008 W 7th St, Fort Worth 76107

3.00 Baths, 3 Beds, 2384 SQFT
House For Sale

$795,000 $795,000

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367 Anderson Road, Whitesboro, Texas

3 Beds, 4134 SQFT
Ranch For Sale

$5,950,000 $5,750,000

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4925 Ivy Charm Way

4.00 Baths, 3 Beds, 2 SQFT
House For Sale


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12740 Bella Vino Dr.

House Sold

$849,000 $795,000

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89 Eagle Cove

2.00 Baths, 4 Beds, 3429 SQFT
House Leased


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1808 Cedar Bluff Parkway

House Sold


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109 E Bozeman Ln

House Sold


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233 Sherry Ln

7.00 Baths, 5 Beds, 6062 SQFT
House For Sale


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